2023 PublicationsClick on title for more information. |
Loc Pham, Tran Cao Son, and Enrico Pontelli. (2023). Reasoning about Non-Deterministic Observability and Hypothetical Action Occurrences in Multi-Agent Domains. 38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC '23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 957–964. |
Grubbs, T., Shuppy, A., Athe, P., Son, T. C., & Dinh, N. (2023). Assessing the trustworthiness of a digital twin within the nearly autonomous management and Control System. |
Flynn, D., Nadeau, C., Shantz, J., Balduccini, M., Son, T. C., & Griffor, E. R. (2023). Formalizing and reasoning about supply chain contracts between agents. |
Rajaratnam, D., Schaub, T., Wanko, P., Chen, K., Liu, S., & Son, T. C. (2023). Solving an Industrial-Scale Warehouse Delivery Problem with Answer Set Programming Modulo Difference Constraints. Algorithms, 16(4), 216. |
Hoang Le, T., Cao, H., and Cao Son, T. (2023). ASPER: Answer Set Programming Enhanced Neural Network Models for Joint Entity-Relation Extraction. |
Pianpak, P., Li, J., & Son, T. C. (2023). Load balancing in distributed multi-agent Path Finder (DMAPF). 130-147. |
Loukas Vasileiou, S., Kumar, A., Yeoh, W., Cao Son, T., & Toni, F. (2023). Dialectical reconciliation via structured argumentative dialogues. |
Alvano, M., Trieu, L. L., Tran, S., & Balduccini, M. (2023). Advancements in xASP, an XAI System for Answer Set Programming. |
Vasileiou, S. L., Kumar, A., Yeoh, W., Tran, S. C., & Toni, F. (2023). Dialectical Reconciliation via Structured Argumentative Dialogues. |
LE, T. H., CAO, H., & CAO SON, T. (2023). ASPER: Answer Set Programming Enhanced Neural Network Models for Joint Entity-Relation Extraction. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 23(4), 765–781. |
Pham, L., Son, T. C., & Pontelli, E. (2023). Planning in multi-agent domains with untruthful announcements. |
Chowdhury, M. M. P., Kiekintveld, C., Son, T. C., & Pontelli, E. (2023). Spot: Strategies for power trading in wholesale electricity markets. |
Alviano, M., Trieu, L. L., Son, T. C., & Balduccini, M. (2023). Explanations for answer set programming. |
NGUYEN, T. H., BUNDAS, M., SON, T. C., BALDUCCINI, M., GARWOOD, K. C., & GRIFFOR, E. R. (2023). Specifying and Reasoning about CPS through the Lens of the NIST CPS Framework. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 23(5), 1029–1069. |
Trieu, L. L., Bailey, D. W., Cao, H., Tran , S. C., Trotter, M. G., O’Connor, L., & Tobin, C. T. (2023). 108 potential of accelerometers to remotely detect bovine ephemeral fever in heifers using Pattern Recognition | Journal of Animal Science | Oxford academic. |
Liu, J., Bailey, D. W., Cao, H., Son, T. C., & Tobin, C. T. (2023). 109 animal behavior analysis using unsupervised machine learning techniques. |
Bundas, M., Nadeau, C., Nguyen, T. H., Shantz, J., Balduccini, M., Griffor, E., & Son, T. C. (2023). Chapter 16: Facilitating stakeholder communication around AI-enabled systems and Business Processes. 268-283 |
Tran Cao Son, William Yeoh, Roni Stern, and Meir Kalech. (2023). Multi-Agent Planning and Diagnosis with Commonsense Reasoning. Fifth International Conference on Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI '23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 5, 1–9. |
Nyamuryekung’e, S., Duff, G., Utsumi, S., Estell, R., McIntosh, M. M., Funk, M., Cox, A., Cao, H., Spiegal, S., Perea, A., & Cibils, A. F. (2023). Real-Time Monitoring of Grazing Cattle Using LORA-WAN Sensors to Improve Precision in Detecting Animal Welfare Implications via Daily Distance Walked Metrics. Animals, 13(16), 2641. |
Matthew M. McIntosh, Andres F. Cibils, Shelemia Nyamuryekung’e, Richard E. Estell, Andrew Cox, Danielle Duni, Qixu Gong, Tony Waterhouse, John Holland, Huiping Cao, Laura Boucheron, Huiying Chen, Sheri Spiegal, Glenn Duff, Santiago A. Utsumi. (2023). Deployment of a LoRa-WAN near-real-time precision ranching system on extensive desert rangelands: What we have learned*. Applied Animal Science, 39(5), 349-361. |
Kumar, P., Liu, J., Tayeen, A. S. Md., Misra, S., Cao, H., Harikumar, J. (2023). FLNET2023: Realistic Network Intrusion Detection Dataset for Federated Learning. IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). |
Tayeen, A. S. Md., Misra, S., Cao, H., Harikumar, J. (2023). CAFNet: Compressed Autoencoder-based Federated Network for Anomaly Detection. IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). |
Ricardo Perea, A., Macon, L., Rahman, S., Chen, H., Cox, A., Nyamuryekung’e, S., Madrid Campa, S., Cao, H., Cibils, A., Estell, R., Duff, C, D., Utsumi, S. (2023). Activity classification of grazing cows on desert rangeland in the Southwestern United States. |
Ricardo Perea, A., Macon, L., Rahman, S., Chen, H., Cox, A., Nyamuryekung’e, S., Cao, H., Cibils, A., Estell, R., Duff, C, D., Utsumi, S. (2023). PSIV-22 Detection of Parturition of Rangeland Beef Cattle Using Gps and Accelerometer Data. Journal of Animal Science, 101(3), 485–486. |
Ricardo Perea, A., Macon, L., Rahman, S., Chen, H., Cox, A., Nyamuryekung’e, S., Madrid Campa, S., Cao, H., Cibils, A., Estell, R., Duff, C, D., Utsumi, S. (2023). PSIV-23 Activity Classification of Grazing Cows on Desert Rangeland in the Southwestern United States. Journal of Animal Science, 101(3), 486–487. |
Liu, J., Cao, H., Tayeen, A. S. Md., Misra, S., Kumar, P., Harikumar, J. (2023). Multi-Model-Based Federated Learning to Overcome Local Class Imbalance Issues. 2023 International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), Jacksonville, FL, USA. |
Tayeen, A. S. M., Biswal, M., Misra, S. (2023). DP-AMI-FL: Secure Framework for Machine Learning-based AMI Applications. 2023 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT), Washington, DC, USA, 1-5. |
Kumar, A., Guirao Aguilera, A. M., Tourani, R., Misra, S. (2023). A Generative Framework for Low-Cost Result Validation of Outsourced Machine Learning Tasks. |
Tran, C., Duenas, L., Misra, S., & Chaitanya, V. (2023). Specific energy consumption based comparison of distributed additive and conventional manufacturing: From cradle to gate partial life cycle analysis. |
EITER, T., MAHER, M., PONTELLI, E., DE RAEDT, L., & TRUSZCZYNSKI, M. (2023). The Collection of Papers Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of TPLP, Part II. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 23(1), 1–1. |
Utreras, E., Pontelli, E. (2023). Introductory programming and young learners with visual disabilities: a review. 169–184. |
Torres Castillo, R., Valdez, T., Hug, S., Chi, W., Cota, R. & Pontelli, E. (2023). DEPICT: Discovering Computational Thinking in Creative Writing Courses. In E. Langran, P. Christensen & J. Sanson (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, 1487-1492. New Orleans, LA, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). |
Dal Palù, A., Dovier, A., Formisano, A., Pontelli, E. (2023). Prolog Meets Biology. In: Warren, D.S., Dahl, V., Eiter, T., Hermenegildo, M.V., Kowalski, R., Rossi, F. (eds) Prolog: The Next 50 Years. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 13900. |
COSTANTINI, S., PONTELLI, E., RUSSO, A., & TONI, F. (2023). Introduction to the 39th International Conference on Logic Programming Special Issue. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 23(4), 624–631. |
Pontelli, E., Costantini, S., Dodaro, C., Gaggl, S., Calegari, R., Garcez, A. D., Fabiano, F., Mileo, A., Toni, F. (2023). Proceedings 39th international conference on logic programming. |
Tardivo, F., Dovier, A., Formisano, A., Michel, L., Pontelli, E. (2023). Constraint propagation on GPU: A case study for the AllDifferent constraint. Journal of Logic and Computation, 33(8), 1734-1752 |
Pham, D., Le, T. (2023). Utilizing Textual Reviews for Visualizing and Understanding User Preferences. 2023 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM '23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 335–339. |
Nguyen, P., Tran, H., Le, V. M. T. (2023). Multi-view Deep Markov Models for Time Series Anomaly Detection. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData), Sorrento, Italy, 799-808. |
Tang, X., Reviriego, P., Tang, W., Mitchell, M. G. D., Lombardi, F., Liu, S. (2023). Joint Learning and Channel Coding for Error-Tolerant IoT Systems Based on Machine Learning. IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, 5(1), 217-228. |
Gómez-Fonseca, A., Smarandache, R., Mitchell, M. G. D. (2023). On the Tanner Cycle Distribution of QC-LDPC Codes from Polynomial Parity-Check Matrices. 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Taipei, Taiwan, 2356-2361. |
Battaglioni, M., Chiaraluce, F., Baldi, M., Pacenti, M., Mitchell, M. G. D. (2023). Optimizing quasi-cyclic spatially coupled LDPC codes by eliminating harmful objects. 67. |
Habib, S., Mitchell, M. G. D. (2023). Reinforcement Learning for Sequential Decoding of Generalized LDPC Codes. 2023 12th International Symposium on Topics in Coding (ISTC), Brest, France. 1-5. |
Zhu, M., Cummins, D. A., Mitchell, M. G. D., Lentmaier M., Costello, J. D. (2023). Braided Convolutional Self-orthogonal Codes with Double Sliding Window Decoding. 2023 12th International Symposium on Topics in Coding (ISTC), Brest, France. 1-5. |
Gómez-Fonseca, A., Smarandache R., Mitchell, M. G. D. (2023). A Low Complexity PEG-like Algorithm to Construct Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Codes. 2023 12th International Symposium on Topics in Coding (ISTC), Brest, France. 1-5. |
Alinia, M., Mitchell, M. G. D. (2023). Optimizing Parameters in Soft-hard BPGD for Lossy Source Coding. 2023 12th International Symposium on Topics in Coding (ISTC), Brest, France. 1-5. |
Zhu, M., Mitchell, M. G. D., Lentmaier, M., Costello, J. D. (2023). Error Propagation Mitigation in Sliding Window Decoding of Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory, 4, 470-486. |
Gómez-Fonseca, A., Smarandache, R., Mitchell, M. G. D. (2023). An Efficient Strategy to Count Cycles in the Tanner Graph of Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Codes. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory, 4, 499-513. |
Basu, S., Barnes, K. A., Mate, A., Lavrova, O. (2023). Real-Time Implementation of Dynamic State Estimation for Microgrid Load Bus Protection. 2023 IEEE Kansas Power and Energy Conference (KPEC), Manhattan, KS, USA. 1-6. |
Ropp, M. E., Lavrova, O., Reno, M. J., Silva, E., Densel, M. A., Kassabian, L. N., Biswal, M., Ramoko, A., Ranade, S. J. (2023). Self-healing, self-assembling islanded power systems using only local measurements. |
Gangineni, M., Ramirez, J. A., Paul, A., Solís Molinar, J. E., Diaz-Sanchez, A., Huerta-Chua, J., Lavrova, O. (2023). ±0.15 V three-stage bulk-driven AB OTA with 36 MHzpF/µW and 55(V/µs)pF/µW small and large-signal figures of merit. |
Ropp, M., Lavrova, O., Silva, E. (2023). Avoiding asynchronous connections of adjacent microgrids in self-healing power systems. |
Silva, E., Ropp, M. E., Lavrova, O. (2023). Demonstration of a self-healing power system concept using manufacturer specific inverter models. |
Pati, S., Biswal, M., Ranade, S. J., Lavrova, O., Reno M. J. (2023). Evaluating the Use of Shapelets in Traveling Wave Based Fault Detection and Classification in Distribution Systems. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 60(2), 2507-2516. |
Wittman, R. M., Lavrova, O., Anwer, U., Huang, J., Cowles, G., Augustine, S., Terry, D., Atcitty, S., Guan, H. (2023). Analysis of Battery Testing Protocols in the Transition from the Lab to the Field: A Test Case Using Advanced Zn-MnO2 Batteries in Off-Grid Solar Microgrids. 453-453.